Monday, May 10, 2010

Future Plans

Hello again!  Well, there will be a Collector's Carnival this August in Evansville.  There will be close to 200 vendors selling there wares, and I am hoping to be able to join them.  I have a bad habit of giving away the things I make to friends and family, and I thought I would try to start making some quilts and things to sell at this rendevous.  Unfortunately I don't think I will be ready in time, I may have to continue quilting and wait until next year.  School will be out in 15 days, May 25th is the last day.  I am scheduled to have my tonsils removed on the 18th this month and i can't do anything for two weeks while i heal, don't think it'll take that long though, so, on june 1st I am taking the kids to WV for a week to visit family, and to leave them there for the rest of the month.  The hubby and i will be able to have some well deserved time together!  The kids are so excited!  It's an eight hour trip, but it'll so be worth it.  In future posts I will have more pics, in fact if i can find my camera i'll show you some of the things I'm working on.  And i will be posting a list of quilts and other items i plan on making, so stay tuned! more to come!

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