Monday, January 10, 2011

Out of the Loop

Hello all! It's been a while since I've posted, so I apologize for anyone who has been waiting for the sock doll tutorial.  I hope to have that posted soon.  So many things have kept me from my blog, but I feel that I can return and stick with it now.  I am determined to keep this more of a crafty blog than a soap opera of my life, so we will get right into it. 
I am currently working on a small table topper for Valentine's Day, about the size of a placemat.  I've always had an issue when cutting my fabric, I don't know how it happens but I always cut my strips crooked, or they're wavy, I know how the wavy happens, but not the crooked.  And I somehow manage to always have the wrong size, such as, my table topper has two blocks both are hearts and they are supposed to be 9.5" square, mine turne out at 8" square.  I drive myself crazy sometimes.  I am also working on my Daisy Chain quilt, my strips were cut decently straight but when I stitched them together they curved on the seam!  I thought it might have to do with my ironing skills which are poor because I was never taught how to use an iron (that's so much more embarassing to say it out loud-what's worse is that my husband had to show me how to use it!) I'm still not sure I'm pressing my seams the correct way.  I could really use some advice about that.  As for my sister's quilt, I'm sorry to say I haven't been working on it, when I got the top finished I folded it up and put it away....I want to finish it in time for her birthday this year, which is in October so that gives me plenty of time, unfortunately it may give me too much time and I'll end up putting if off, again, and not getting it finished, again.
It's a cold, grey morning here in southern Indiana and I have to deal with recorded messages and a lot of hassle trying to get my TV repaired.  Let me just say, if you have a Wii, those controllers have wrist straps for a very good reason.
Happy Monday!

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